Frequently asked Questions

Welcome to my personal website! I will use it (for now) as just another place to upload my art. I strongly believe every single website should have FAQ, no matter how small or insignificant it is: to quickly explain what is purpose of that place to save time and nerves of any visitors.

Can you draw something for me?

Sure. But i won't work for free. Decide on your budget and send me a message to twitter or DA. I check them every time i finish drawing so expect a reply in a few days. Or if you are really impatient use discord. Time is money and very limited.

Can you teach me how to draw?

Yes and no. Mostly yes. But there isn't much i can do for you directly, only share some limited WISDOM with you. The rest is up to you.


It is completely free, it comes with HTTPS, 1GB of space and it is lighting fast. The conventional modern websites for artists are shit in comparison to this. You don't need account, you can see hundreds of my pieces on 1 screen and filter them by tags. By the time twitter or DA will load first 10 thumbnails of my gallery on this website you can browse and see them ALL.

I even made simple script and guide so anyone can reuse my code and set up their own gallery like this in ~2 hours.

Why are you drawing?

My current "end goal" is to make my own game. No, i won't tell you what it will be about or how it will play like. First, i need to get good in drawing itself and that could take so long i might give up on the game in the end. And secondly, you could "steal" my idea and make it first :-)

Drawing is surprisingly fun and very complex activity. It enables me to listen to audio books and honestly, there is even a certain social status which comes with it. Since i started drawing it feels like i unlocked "3rd eye" or real vision: simply walking on street and observing the world around me and imagining how i would draw the scene is a nice bonus of it all.

How long have you been drawing?

I suffered through 5 years of "art classes" in primary school. We are talking about ages 5~10 years old me. I don't remember much from back then and the only art pieces i managed to find are these. I hated drawing back then. I distinctly remember always picking medium which was less messy and would allow me to cover the paper with color the fastest so i could stop claim i am done. So most of the time i used crayons unless teacher forced us to use specific medium.

After that i never considered art as topic even worth talking about, least even pursuing. I would occasionally read in news articles about ugly modern art being sold for X billions of money and that alone kept art in my mind as worthless. Never really been to any museum.

I decided to plunge into drawing for real in the year 2022! There was a slow buildup of me wanting to start working on the game. And nobody will play game without good art! I was always a nerd and computers never stopped fascinating me so of course i would jump into digital drawing from the start! Using paper in 21st century? That is too retro for me. So i bought my first tablet XP-Pen G960S (i picked the cheapest tablet with large drawing area) and so i started.

Why so many studies?

Drawing is a painfully hard craft. Shortly after i started i realized behind every successful artist there are hundreds, if not thousands of sketches and studies. And practically all art books only confirm this. The only difference between me and average artist is that i save, sign and archive every single line, sketch and picture i make while they look at their failures and silently dispose of them.

What are all these random watermarks about?

That is how I roll, they appeal to me. They display the "state of society" and sometimes my mental state as well. Also, I use fewer of them in my more serious works. As an added bonus, they poison "ai" training data sets.